Friday, April 15, 2016

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Rockets center says he uses questionable substance every game. Dwight Howardgot caught in a sticky situation.

The Houston Rockets center was caught using stickum, a spray that was formerly used in the NFL and makes it easier for players to grip the ball, saturday nighttime. It is howard was caught in the act after applying the sticky substance straight from the can, which was conveniently covered in athletic tape. It was brought to the referees' attention when Howard grabbed the basketball before a free throw attempt by Atlanta Hawks forward Paul Millsapduring the 1st quarter 'Rockets Hawks' game.

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Whenever passing the basketball back to the refs to get a closer look, on the video, you can certainly see Millsap feeling uncomfortable and gesturing that his hands felt sticky. While as reported by the Los Angeles Times, the refs warned both the Rockets' and Hawks' benches that the stickum spray is illegal in the NBA, just as it's in the NFL.

I'm sure you heard about this. Millsap told the Atlanta Journal Constitution. It was sticky. In reality, it was like super glue or something was on there. It was the weirdest subject ever. Anyways, howard told the Houston Chronicle. It is not a vast deal.

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With that said, howard's use of stickum has been reviewed under the patronage of the NBA, as reported with the help of the Associated Press. While forcing the league to ban the substance, in the NFL, the stickum spray was making it easier for receivers to haul in receptions.

In the NBA. Now look. For a player like Howard, who does the majority of his work in the post, stickum may be a pros, in letting him grip the ball better. BET Sports News Get the last news and facts about 'AfricanAmericans' in photos, celebrity news, sports or along with weekly recaps of your favorite Black athletes.

Let me tell you something. Rockets center says he uses questionable substance every game. The Houston Rockets center was caught using stickum, a spray that was formerly used in the NFL and makes it easier for players to grip the ball, saturday nighttime.

Howard was caught in the act after applying the sticky substance straight from the can, which was conveniently covered in athletic tape. It was brought to the referees' attention when Howard grabbed the basketball before a free throw attempt by Atlanta Hawks forward Paul Millsapduring the Rockets 1-st quarter Hawks game. Make sure you write suggestions about it below. While passing the basketball back to the refs to get a closer look, on the video, you can of course see Millsap feeling uncomfortable and gesturing that his hands felt sticky.

While as reported by the Los Angeles Times, the refs warned the Rockets' and Hawks' benches that the stickum spray is illegal in the NBA, just as it's in the NFL. While forcing the league to ban the substance, in the NFL, the stickum spray was making it easier for receivers to haul in receptions.

In the NBA. Essentially, for a player like Howard, who does plenty of his work in the post, stickum should be a gain, in letting him grip the ball better. BET Sports News Get the latter news and data about AfricanAmericans in sports, and also weekly recaps, photos and celebrity news of your favorite Black athletes.

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