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Filter free journalism, updates on upcoming events to attend, enter or more your email below, in case you should like to stay up to date with good in free. In violation of journalistic ethics and the 'Smith Mundt' Act of 1948, formerLos Angeles Timesreporter Ken Dilanian no problem CIA handlers to edit his articles prior to publication and reported false info to manipulate his audience. Responding toFreedom of facts Act requests, the CIA released a lot of pages documenting the agency's dubious relationship with civil security reporters. Operating under a glaring lack of oversight, the CIA was exploiting establishment journalists since its inception.
Furthermore, the newly released documents cover Dilanian's correspondence with the CIA from March to July In his emails, dilanian repeatedly brokeethical guidelinesby submitting his articles to the CIA permiting them to alter facts to portray the agency in a more fortunate light. Receiving false intelligence from the CIA, dilanian reported adrone strikehad successfully killed Al Qaeda leader Abu Yahya alLibi as not causing any collateral damage. Whenever as pointed out by Amnesty inter-national and Investigative Bureau Journalism, at least 20 folks were killed in the attack and several more wounded. The different victims were rescue workmen slaughtered in a proceed with up drone strike, even though most of the casualties had maybe been Al Qaeda members.
While collaborating on anarticlewithL. Even though, timesreporter David Cloud, dilanian submitted a draft recommending his CIA handlers to approve the version until it went to print. Thence, dissatisfied with the earlier draft, the CIA later approved a softened article version that Dilanian and Cloud published onMay While collaborating withL. Timesreporter Rebecca Keegan, dilanian downplayed the CIA's participation in leaking classified data to director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal for their factually inaccurate propaganda film, zero obscure Thirty. Now let me tell you something. Nationofreview is a 5013 nonprofit funded immediately by the readers. So, please make a short donation to assist our own work.
Other international security reporters who corresponded with the CIA at the time of this timeframe includeBrian Bennettof theL. Known the nation has been hollowed out and the void remains unfilled. There are perilous times with entirely a grim and uncertain future. The nation was under no circumstances by all means not hollow, that's the terrible truth. Basically, it was created of, for and even by the Aristocrats, of which Jefferson was a slaveowning one. Control by the Crown was in no circumstances actually relinquished since Elite operators filled the administration to operate an illusion of freedom as they do now. It was converted from overt to covert control. The banksters were ushered in to put their death grip on the county and guys. This is the situation that is kept media out and formation. Let me tell you something. Please see my reply to mbee1's 1st post.
Despite the reality that your comment refers to 2 distinctly exclusive eras, pre mass communication and post MC, the hollowing out was intended to illustrate that a purposeful manipulation by the press to return from one era to the earlier one. Dumbing down might are a better choice. Explore your additional comments though and I think we decide on a lot of aspects of this poser. You must not regret doing 'metanoia films', in the event you haven't seen this documentary.
Thank you for that link. Perception management is what we are experiencing. With that said, you will maybe appreciate Gnostic Media. Needless to say, what you are saying is all the following foreigners who came here and got rich were actually getting the crumbs thrown to them by the elite. Consequently, sort of like let them take cake remark by that queen in France? India, that all he is getting is the crumbs and would go home. You should take this seriously. You need, no doubt both your meds and a studies in something else than past communist version and economics.
You seem to have skimmed over the modifier relative as applied to crumbs, as one rather often does when his own tapes are running after ‘hearing' input. Let me tell you something. Such as the Windsors and Rothschilds, relative crumbs is what millionaires have, when you compare all wealth the following foreigners to the wealth of Elite families. On top of that, it has to accept massive accumulation by some, as the phony structure must appear to work for all. For instance, witness, bill Gates. Gates has no real authority. Your ignorance is further demonstrated under the patronage of the mindless, canned remark about meds and communist version of history science and economics. You see, it is typical of friends who has nothing of substance to say and is in fear of discovering he doesn't understand everything he thought he did. You'll understand that most/all elementary versions of past are brainwash and propaganda, once you awaken. One overtly notion oppressive regimes is to make the slaves in the covertly enslaving regimes THINK they're free. You will have graduated from the kindergarten polisci you now wallow in, when you come to this realization.
That is the crux and blows away the simpletons who are not alarmed at this. As a consequence, jefferson is with you one hundred percent. Essentially, cIA was created. As witnessed by Hearst newspapers lies about what did actually the Battleship Maine, media has long been corrupt consequently inciting the Spanish American battle. Please see my reply to mbee1's and grindermonkey's 1-st posts.
When the chilly combat came about it flourished battling the USSR and Chinese good versions life, the CIA was created in WWII to defeat the Germans and Japanese. The CIA subversion in a corporate handmaiden interest came later throughout the time of the 1st Iranian revolution. The administration since the late 1880 was in supporting biz and interests as the central American invasions illustrate. While Hearst was in the phony claim on Cuba the reason has to do with manifest destiny and its hold on the American mind at the time. One and the other the spy networks and the Brit's were oftentimes Corporate based. Smedley Butler outlined the dangers before WW How is it you had picture partition yet carry on being so obtuse on plenty of? Progressive Era and get on board with that philosophy that made us the world envy, dignity that and worth of the individual.
Did you understand that WW II was planned from at least 1919? Even so mainstream a magazine as Kevin Phillips' American Dynasty reveals Wall influence St/buziness types in the creation and US development military/intelligence/industrial nexus. Another brochure, antony Sutton's America's Secret Establishment documents simply enormous influence one secret society, skull Bones. Exactly how many narration books you've explore or are aware of deal with the Elite's global secret society network? Such societies are a foundational mechanism of Elite authority while conditioning folks for their role in larger society. Members were/are insinuated, by different means having currency elementary denominator authority, in key positions in PhD, entrepreneurship, to, country management or even media do Elite plans for humanity. That kind of plans involve disease, poverty and warfare perpetuation. However, sutton covers the period from about mid19th to about mid 20th centuries. The industrial/GI machines of one and the other regimes were financed and built by US corporations within a fundamental inter-national cartel. In the USSR case, for longer than 30 years in the process of the cool battle. Just keep reading.the Elite created Israel as a result in addition for chaos purpose and not as a home for Jews.
CIA was 'co opted' immediately right after Truman created it quite old out OSS. Sounds familiardoes it not? The 1st 7 directors came immediately from NY banking and entrepreneurship circles. This pit of vipers is controlled with the help of Elite authority, as stated. You will likewise see that on one spy, all the intelligence and level agencies are virtually one, since such institutions are nearly all managed in the exclusive countries by the lite grip hierarchy. Nonetheless, it is completely at the ‘boy scout' level that there's real tension/animosity/competition. This makes for the Drama that keeps wideeyed systembelievers fascinated and distracted.
Now please pay attention. To understand what's going on, one must ‘forget' governments. Seriously. Meaning for the sake of example, that when the administration was supporting corporate crime in Central America, that was Elite policy operating via administration, mediated by Elite servant infiltrators of country management -traitors posing as patriots. The mainstream vomitmedia tells the faithful that the Good Guys are fighting Communism down there. Some infiltrators see what they're doing, anyone else are merely pursuing petty motives that nevertheless serve the Elite Agenda. That's how the scheme works for fairly partition. That's where it starts getting intriguing.another doodah is, the US is not alone in being infiltrated.
Notice that peter, FDR was the one who saw we had to defeat the Germans and Japanese long ago afore that was stylish as the isolation folks were in the majority for a long time. Nobody was planning, undoubtedly not the Skull Bones society, I assume you wiki the subject instead of pretend a magazine by a mental case is factual Your elite comments are simply more fantazy. Let me tell you something. The elitie as you put it run societly, they are the ones with currency and authority and as folks get cash and guess what, authority or they happen to be elite portion. The elite members can review really faster nobody has any such plans unless you think opposition to 100 percent tax on income and property is opposition, in case the nations rethinking due to battle or revolution or whatnot.
Mbee1, you have got much to study. This is the case. FDR, saw and cousin of Churchill about the plan for WW II. He and small amount of cronies as well understood about the attack on Pearl enough to warn the fleet. Make sure you scratch a comment about it in the comment form.thereafter, he exposed the fleet and goaded the Japanese in the attack. Besides, he was a traitor of huge proportion. It's merely your uninformed opinion that nobody was planning the battle. Seriously. Antony Sutton, far from being a mental case, is/was a Distinguished Professor of narration from Stanford, and has put his books based upon meticulous research, much of which is based on administration documents. Wiki, however, is mostly conventional propaganda.
Your comments on the Elite are in addition your uninformed opinion, which you are full of. You haven't study the history science. Consequently, columbus discovered America. Now regarding the aforementioned matter of fact. An outright lie. Doesn't it sound familiar? And, he was a treasure seeking murdering rapist to boot. He and his men will get bets as to who could diminish a hanging Native in half with one sword swipe. It's a well you are SO incorrect -nobody turned out to be the Elite since they get rich. All in all, it's a matter of housekeeping bloodlines that go back thousands of years. Anyways, all US presidents go back to 2 men -King Alfred the OK and Charlemmagne. This is revealed in Burke's Peerage. Now look. FDR and Churchill in these bloodlines.
Anyhow, big revolutions are usually based upon well-known notions, or noone should go for them. That's the deception. They are infiltrated at some point, when they're not Elite backed at the outset. On top of that, this is what happened in the French Rev, which was turned in a bloodbath to suit the satanists, and it is why Robespierre was shot and beheaded. You have got miles to go, my buddie, miles to go or before you awaken, to paraphrase Frost.
Since I was around in that era I likely understand more than you. Kennedy was in trouble for being soft on the communist, had been very embarrassed by that Cuba invasion and needed something to make him look very well. Basically, defending Vietnam from the commies filled the bill cause at the time the communist had been on a roll for rather some time. Nobody cared in case the guys we were supporting were crooks and incompetent, same stuff with, no doubt both Bushes and Obama in Iraq and Afghanistan which is case you were not watching TV came about from 1-st an invasion and after that the twin towers, good enough excuses to look good in the following election.
Not to talk possibly three million innocents there and an ecosystem devastation. Given the 'rationale' for getting Saddam and Gaddafi down, 'patriots' like mbee probably should be demonstrating how such a humongous warfare crime and crime against humanity by the Good Guys went unpunished. Make sure you scratch suggestions about it. While extending the combat four more years, did you understand that Kissinger/Nixon sabotaged the Paris Peace Talks. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. That this was purely for national reasons? With 3630 'highaltitude', uS troops died in that period. About Missouri size, nighttime B52" bombing runs in 14 months. Ultimately, just one reason why I oftentimes say satanists are running the show.
You actually need to get a trip to vietnam and cambodia, the cost is realitively quite low and you would notice that the ecosytem is still there, plenty of anybody are siill there and somehow the Vietnamese think they won the warfare and are proud of it. Anyways, you should note the North invaded the South to start the warfare, not way around, when you should not explore. The Pentagon Papers proved that the CIA was there in the '50's instigating. It is an old enough trick, which the criminals in Israel used on Lebanon -covertly attack, then call retaliation aggression. Virtually, by Tonkin phony Gulf incident, a lie told by Johnson about Navy ships being attacked by the North, the battle was kicked in gear not by an invasion. Under no circumstances happened.
Yes I was over Cambodia while Nixon was telling my father & mama I wasn't there. There is a tape of Johnson on the phone threatening to make Nixon's behind the scenes dealing social. In it Nixon sounds like the smarmy, caught in the act punk he oftentimes was. Hope you have got a decent, romney free weekend. You should take it into account. When you make claims you probably point to the source otherwise you sound wacky.
That's interesting. Plenty of individuals saw the narration was at better blown up but the manifest destiny crowd was all quite warm and bothered to look from any excuse to expand the American empire. Bush Jr and WMD come to mind as a more modern example of crowd stupidness. Let me tell you something. Contamination agenda is a more modern example. Remember, what reality are you looking for? Peter, makes lots of claims yet should't point to a single example outside of a 100 plus years ago. Last I heard you were in Bizzaro land pretending that we are in 1929 and wall street owns everything or was that past day?
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Now please pay attention. More past that will have made a difference in case any one KNEW it. Sad the damaging ignorance of the majority of patriots. Quite a few news is scripted with the help of the CIA along with TV, how else could every station have the same stories and the exact words spoken in the same order. Reason that those stations are suppose to be competitors. A well-known matter of fact that is. The news owners for quite partition at least own enough of a percentage to control the news are the ministerial owners Reserve and the CIA is the Fed's security agency. The folks in our own media and country management have got to get a spine and stop being intimidated with the help of the governmental Reserve. That kind of guys rent Americans yet the have the grip to print the credits. They like to get us in debt with them so we continue to be their slaves. The IRS is the collection agency, yet we pay the IRS employees salaries. We merely need to oust the following parasites that have destroyed our own way of life. While as pointed out by the constitution, it's illegal for the American folks to pay an income tax or interest on took up cash. Keep reading! the life is lived with a struggle working our own tails off for the almighty dollar whereas it must be about the creativity, joy, families and even love. Notice, in case we didn't need to pay interest on the homes we purchase we should have them paid off in ten years but not 30 years. Twenty years of payments are the interest payment. Anyways, is it any wonder why the Rothschild's are worth 500 dollars trillion which is equal to 40 all the percent worlds wealth. With all that said. Still that doesn't seem enough for them they still want to fraudulently foreclose on your homes. Homes that American spent their all the life working for. Get ministerial rid Reserve. They failed us with a large fat F in doing their task. I'm sure you heard about this. We gave them 100 year Charter in 1913 for controlling purpose inflation. We had the depression in1929 thanks to them, the recession in the 1970's thanks to them, the 2008 economical crisis thanks to them. They are responsible for getting us in all the wars in the last 100 years. Lots of the ministerial 11 owners Reserve aren't American citizens and a great deal of have duel citizenship with Israel and the They were immediately involved in 9 11" being inside element task, they had hired Israeli's to infiltrate our own pentagon and Obamas cabinet of Zairs are from or Israel and are not looking out for American interests. You should take it into account. They destroyed the housewifery in this administration and are making an attempt to destroy Christianity here. The are Zionist Jews and when they go with the Talmud they are taught to hate and hurt Christians in the shadows. The Israeli's will like your boys in the GI to die for Israel but not the Jews in the Israel army.
The world is run by the CIA and our own plenty of next secret police agencies since at least WWII. Now 6 corporations control 90 percent of the media.
You voters vote for fear, army and coprations. With that said, how the majority of you vote for the Progressive Caucus, the Green or even Kuciich party?
Considering the above said. Instead we wasted vote on Reagan conservative Obama/Clinton corporate DINO' America is as foul a potato as the USSR was 25 years ago. This is the case. Poland as well as Republic were, as foul as the German free democratic Checoslovakia. Were Poland and Chekoslovakia and a lot of next former communist countries, ussia was able to end the Soviet era. Eastern Germany was able to launch a peaceful revolution. As a consequence, apparently, the USA are still what they been. In the relationship to the own citizens, chilly warfare concrete -in their minds and in their souls -also towards Russia. For example, it's time for a revolution in the US, guys. It is look at Russia, look and look at Poland at former Estern Germany -how they did it! It's therewith worth it, it's rather good way.
Besides, russia is largely run by the cronnie thugs in favor with Putin and firm. Thence, in that they resemble the US more than a little. See Judith Miller. Likewise, cIA plants reporters to toe CIA/outlandish policy straight.
CIA payroll merely like her one source Amhed Chalabi was on the CIA payroll. Lewis Libby and received that cryptic poem from him while she was in jail that told her to come in from the chill. LA Times reporter was or was not on the CIA payroll since he is calling up the CIA and calling them for the false propaganda lines. He is on the CIA pay, no or roll.
Merely search for Miller's propaganda pieces in the Times in the run up to Iraq US invasion, as well as the notorious SAYS HUSSEIN INTENSIFIES QUEST FOR 'A BOMB' PARTS. However, whenever regarding CIA leaking agent Valerie Plame's position and how Miller could come in from the chilly, see Scooter Libby's jailhouse letter to Miller. Attainable here. Then once more, we have excerpts from a HuffPost piece on the whitey, miller, chalabi or property connection.
You should take this seriously. Mostly described as an abject army failure for his absurdly designed plans to invade Iraq, ahmad Chalabi served the Pentagon purposes and the Bush Administration. Systematically, the Iraqi exile fed the whitey property and army intelligence operatives info kind they needed to politically justify moving troops in Iraq. The CIA, considered or even however much of Chalabi's facts to lack credibility. Chalabi's knowledge of Iraq's armaments, which ought to were perceived as less than objective by American leaders, was the Bush beginning Administration's tactic of cooking intelligence reports. Chalabi's reports practically often turned out to be incorrect. As a consequence, he was, in the end or the individual who had convinced Vice chairperson Dick Cheney that Iraqi citizens were peculiar to greet troops as liberators. Chalabi 1st made the claim on ABC News.
There is proof that Ahmad Chalabi was the primary source for some of Judith Miller's reporting on weapons of mass destruction. Another modern York Times Pulitzer Prize winner, baghdad Bureau Chief John Burns, had proven to be angered at Miller over a novel she had written about Chalabi. Now regarding the aforementioned reason. Burns had not assigned the piece to Miller, and sent her an email chastising her for stepping in front of another correspondent. There was as well an excellent chance Chalabi and the whitish accommodation were working on despite the reality that, miller and as a seasoned correspondent, she was an unlikely candidate for manipulation. CIA analyst, who has observed Miller's professional products and relationships for over years, said he had undoubtedly of how communication lines were operating.
The majority of the dubious or false NYTimes articles written here before the invasion are by Judith Miller and/or Michael Gordon. A well-known reason that is. The US credits the CIA resource partner, has the resource partner in the media quote him. Nevertheless, miller went to work for the neoconservative town Journal and Fox News, right after being fired from the Times.
Chalabi's intel was bogus and yet they cited it anyways and made a case on it. That's right! Miller facilitated the cite and I am saying she did it knowingly. We would expect that this is par for the course in the Free Press; nobody perhaps should be surprised that this happens. Example from Norman Solomon writing in HuffPost. It enjoyed direct collaboration with robust amount of news organizations, after CIA creation in 1947. That said, when shortly after leaving the Washington Post famed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein provided an extensive expose in Rolling Stone, the agency faced a fundamental challenge in ctober 1977.
Citing CIA documents, bernstein wrote that all along the previous 25 years 'more than 400 American journalists. Central Intelligence Agency. The history science CIA's involvement with the American press continues to be shrouded by an official policy of obfuscation and deception. Loads of information can be found on the web. Bernstein's novel tarnished plenty of reputations journalists and media institutions, as well as the Washington Post and modern York Times. ' the mission nation's finest newspapers was ostensibly the opposite, while the CIA's mission was widely assumed to involve 'obfuscation and deception.
Undoubtedly, in the process of the last few many years extreme extent media cohabitation with the CIA has declined sharply, as much as we understand. As the 'run up' to Iraq invasion media, at the same time a lot of prominent journalists and attests outlets have continued to what, regurgitate or for social consumption's fed to them by the CIA and other official 'international security' sources. The Washington latter purchase Post by Jeff Bezos has poured some big finance concrete for a modern structural bridge betwixt the media market sector and the surveillance/warfare state. One way or another, the development puts the CIA in closer institutionalized proximity to the Post, arguably fairly crucial country management media outlet in the United States (Full novel at. THAT was what was immensely lousy about the Cheney/Rumsfeld clique's reliance on him.
That's where it starts getting serious. He was a CIA intelligence asset. Now pay attention please. His all the Iraqi civil Congress was bankrolled by the CIA. Of course, he was bankrolled under the patronage of the CIA. You are approaching this from the reverse. The CIA didn't request him for data and mistakenly have faith in it. Quite, they manufactured info together and used Chalabi as a professional dissident/oppositional source against Saddam who may be cited in the media. Thence Chalabi was a Iranian asset, apparently cause the US no longer needed him. He was a Iranian asset BECAUSE he was 1st a CIA asset. Essentially, he sold US secrets to Iran since he had them. He had them as he was a CIA asset. You are approaching the situation from the reverse.
Of course, what do you bet this isn't psyops against the US citizenry and it was prevalent for the CIA whole novel and is bigger in compare with ever in the latter days. Saber buildup rattling for every combat and leader we going to make down on everything involve late nightime TV and in dozens of movies. As we save the week right after month right after week in every way. Just think for a fraction of second. BBC sexedup reporter deja vu! In any case, the readers mostly tell us why they've intended to step up and turned out to be supporters. We've got plenty of top reasons folks are giving.
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